Thaon / New York
June 1987
Satellite audiotransmission and slow-scan TV between the medieval church of Thaon in Normandy, France, and the Cloisters in New York City.
Polychrom photocopies – size 30×42 -1986
The purpose of this project was to reactivate the American cloisters brought to New York stone by stone with a satellite transmission of spiritual input from the medieval church of Thaon in Normandy.
Confrontation of two emotionally charged places: Manhattan and the isolated church at the far end of the vale.
Collision of two worlds: the New World and New York City, the ancient world and nature.
This piece is the only satellite transmission carried out by a European artist. Unlike the transmissions of Nam June Paik, this one was accomplished without institutional support.
Carried out at the end of the 1980s, this project, as with Stéphan Barron’s other works from this period (Orient Express, Lines, Self-portrait, etc.), predicted some 20 years early that which he would later call Technoromantism and Planetary Art.
Thaon/New York Video Art versions described in Stéphan Barron Video Art (pdf)
Thaon / New York Remix – film de 1990 (13 mn).
Version 2010 avec la bande sonore de roger23 (dvdremix).
Transmission remix film de 2008 (2h07).
Version 2010 avec la bande sonore de James Taylor (dvdremix).